Tuesday, February 3, 2009


DAHT's take on Kobe

Last night he dropped 61 points in Madison Square Garden. He's slowly but surely making me forget about MJ. Clearly Kobe was conceived with the sperm of Jesus.

DAHT's take on Michael Phelps

Now yesterday, I was on the side of M Peezy; maybe it was the pot head in me. I mean, he wasn't in a corner smoking CRACK! After reviewing it in my sober and intoxicated mind, I view this situation differently.

Now, Phelps' sponsors are 100% behind him after the picture surfaced of him smoking trees. When Josh admitted to smoking in the off season he was almost stoned at the cross! And sponsors? Gone. Ricky Williams, failed a couple drug test in the NFL, sponsors? Gone. Kobe wasn't even convicted for sodomizing the whiter woman in Colorado and lost ALL his endorsements! Barkley was a little drunk trying to get a "bj". Lost his job AND sponsors. and let's not even talk about Mike Vick! Who? Mike Vick.

So why does Michael Phellps get the right of passage and NOT the middle passage?

Is it because he only competes every 4 years so sponsors just believe this will blow over by the next time he competes?
Is it because Josh had a combination of admitted smoking, telling on other players, alleged drag racing AND being unpatriotic?
Is it because Rickey Williams failed NUMEROUS drug test, and Phelps has NEVER failed one?
Is it because Mike Vick fought and killed living animals?
OR, Is it as simple as because he's white?

I just don't have the same views of marijuana as others. It's illegal. Yeah. But it was demonized by the government man. How can you demonize a plant? Something God made? Maybe the same way this government demonized African-American slaves in this country? Does that make it right? There are more alcohol related deaths than marijuana related. Marijuana is used for glaucoma. Arthritis. Did you know HIV patients use marijuana for the pain? Yeah. (I gotta thank my homie Delyte for her views on this matter too. I think this stuff, but she just verbalizes it so well! I love when someone defends weed and they're actually SMART!!! Thanks 'Lyte.)

I'd LOVE to hear from you! What are your thoughts? Please leave em!!! You can leave them anonymously!!!


  1. Oh, PLEASE don't make this another race argument. Michael has never failed a drug test before, not to mention, we've all made foolish mistakes when we were young. I think that was taken into account, and his sponsors believed his whole career shouldn't be ended by one mistake. Not to mention, he didn't harm anyone, or anything. As for him getting special treatment because he is white... O.J. got away with murder, Michael got away with child molestation, and we have a half-black President. I definitely don't think we can keep pulling the race card every time something happens that we don't agree with. It makes all black people sound lazy, trifling, and ignorant.

  2. To whom ever posted the first response ..AMEN. Isn't it time that we let the race issue go? Didn't the President admit to inhaling? Maybe we have taken to heart our mission for "change". Maybe now that we have an ex pot head running our country we can finally get to the point of peace and harmony. I know that I feel at one with my brothers and sisters after I blaze.

  3. LOVE the comments! Keep em coming!

  4. I consider myself to be a very intelligent black woman and I am going to have to bring a couple of things to light. I do not think that bringing up the issue of race is a ploy nor do I think that it makes me sound ignorant, lazy or trifling. I consider it as stating the facts. To those that think the race issue is dead you're either dumb as hell or ignorant as fuck. To the first comment I noticed that you named OJ and Mike as getting away with crimes but let me bring a very special point. Both of them were heavily and I mean HEAVILY embraced by white suburbia until they messed up, then it's back to the field you go. And as for the President, with all due respect yes he did admit to smoking weed and it was wrong in the legal sense, but this man was President of the Harvard Law Review. As a law student, I know that is a VERY HUGE DEAL. The utmost intelligence. I have yet to see where weed hinders intelligence. But lets talk about the housewives in the suburbs with their Prozac, Xanex, Percocet, Valium and all the other prescription drugs that are legal but deadly. Very harmful. Mothers that can't be attentive to their 16 year old daughters freaky ass myspace page because she zoned out. May cause depression, weight loss, diarheaa, blood clots, etc. Furthermore, getting to the subject at hand, lets take a look at some the white athletes that did not make the headlines, Matt Jones-fucking coke head, Lou Holtz-great coach or Neo Nazi, Kevin Greene-was videotaped attacking his COACH wtf, take it way back to 1997 with Jim Harbaugh that played for the Indianapolis Colts, he punched a commentator because he didnt like what he said. Or how about JJ Reddick, remember him played for Duke. With the DWI. Yeah that wasn't mainstream though. While I dont think they should persecute Phelps, I do think there is something to be said about the treatment of black athletes in comparison to white athletes. Its ridiculous. And this is coming from a true non-racist sports fan.

  5. Michael was caught driving under the influence a few years ago, so he is not jesus. For the above comments, consider the reaction of the MSM to Carmelo Anthony's 2004 incident. He was caught with weed in a bag at the airport. The media went nuts to get this 20 year old irrisponsible adult. Compare it to 23 year Phelps headline on CNNSI: "Phelps used poor judgment, but he was just being a kid" Nuff Said

  6. People this is 2009.... things have come along way in just a few months. Maybe not only has a mixed President opened our eyes to sooo much more, maybe the truth about weed is also finally emerging. Also maybe the fact that Phelps handeled it in a straight foward, professional manner, fessing up to what some people call bad judgement without the drama, makes things seem better. Or maybe it's the fact that the world has gotten so screwed up that we all are puffing alittle.

  7. While I agree that we can't play the race card EVERYTIME something happens that we don't like it does not at all mean that black people are lazy and ignorant when we do. While I am more than estatic about having a President that is biracial (like me) please believe that him being elected did not cast a magic spell on the U.S. that eliminated racism and inequality.

    Have we come along in just a few months? How about you ask the family of Ocsar Grant, the unarmed and restrained black man that was shot in the back? Why don't you talk to the numerous employees in corporate America that are still getting passed over for promotions and being excluded because of the color of their skin? I assure you that while they may agree we have made progress they will explain to you exactly how much further we have to go.

    Black people can't become complacent. We've had enough time to celebrate this victory, now it is time to get back to work...

    (My bad Daht, I kinda went off topic...)

  8. No problem mama! Feel free to say whatever you like!


  9. Race matters, simple and plain. And for these so-called "intelligent" causcasians to claim that race is no longer factor or truly ignorant and intelligent. The USA has been around for a very short period of time in comparison to the rest of the world and race matters in other countries. To me, all white people look ignorant when one of them says anything regarding race because to me, it is obviously an issue to you. So tell me this, black people are supposed to forget about race after centuries of being treated unfairly because of it, please. Whites are saying race doesn't matter and the race card shouldn't be played because they want things to go back to the way they used to be. And using OJ as an example is hardly a example of proof of anything. OJ won his case by the use of the legal system. OJ lost in civil court and white people almost pissed themselves with joy. And so what Obama is president, when their is racism it will be called out. So demonizing any black screaming racism by saying they're using a "race card" will do little good. Phelps got a pass because he was black and whites love to demonize black atheletes because they hate the idea of a black having so much money. Period, simple and plain. Nobody has a problem with the little white kids playing professional tennis, golf, and baseball. It's a bunch of bull, sideways talk, and hypocrisy.
